Did Bach really mean that?
Deceptive notation in baroque keyboard music
by Colin Booth

Buy Did Bach really mean that?

ISBN-10: 0954748816
ISBN-13: 978-0954748814

Did Bach really mean that? is published at £36.50.

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Please order from Soundboard Records.

Special offer — complimentary CD
For a limited period, everyone buying a copy of Did Bach Really Mean That? from Soundboard Records will receive a complimentary CD of Colin Booth’s recording of Bach’s Goldberg Variations (normal price £10).

This recording vividly brings to life many of the insights from the pages of the book, and has received widespread critical acclaim, including comments like these, from three leading harpsichordists:

Colin Tilney
“The first recording or performance of the Goldbergs I’ve ever enjoyed! Cross my heart... You make the music alive and kicking, but without resorting to extremes. Fascinating articulation and ornaments with which I almost always agree; apt tempi; lovely sound as a bonus.”
Richard Lester
“Wow! What a truly wonderful surprise. I am completely bowled over by your very individual interpretation... The sound is just right and shows the instrument in the very best light.”
David Wright
“I’m listening to your CD: It’s awesome, many congrats! Very nice sound... PS. love the subtle inégalité.”